Michel Montecrossa
'Mirapuri – the City of Peace and Future Man in Europe, Italy
and Miravillage its first satellite in Germany'

The futuristic Adventure of Consciousness and Joy based on the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Mira Alfassa – The Mother

Mirapuri – the City of Peace and Future Man in Europe, Italy and Miravillage its first satellite in Germany

Mirapuri, the City of Peace and Future Man in Europe, Italy, and its first satellite Miravillage in South Germany are based on the work of Sri Aurobindo and Mira Alfassa - The Mother and their Ideals of Peace, Love, Progress, Human Unity and Transformation.

Mirapuri and Miravillage were founded on 15th August 1978 by the musician, cyberartist and futurist Michel Montecrossa on behalf of The Mother.

This Book is the essential introduction into the aim and becoming of Mirapuri and Miravillage and their foundation in the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. The Integral Yoga is a futuristic outlook on man's possibilities of not only finding his Soul and Spiritual-Cosmic Consciousness but also of achieving a healing of the artificial separation of Spirit and Matter in his mental understanding and realizing instead the union of both in One Reality which is Supramental and able to bring Peace, Love, Progress, Human Unity and the transformation into Future Man to earth.

Mirapuri, the City of Peace and Future Man, and Miravillage, its first satellite are the active expression of this New Consciousness of Transformation and Human Unity. The book gives a comprehensive overview of Mirapuri, Miravillage as well as the biography and the major works of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother with text, pictures, 1 DVD and 1 Audio-CD. The DVD presents a comprehensive documentary-movie on Mirapuri and Miravillage, and the Audio-CD the fascinating Meditationmusic by Michel Montecrossa titled: 'The World Is Preparing For A Big Change - Will You Help?'.


425 Pages
Included in the book are two CDs:
1. Digital Video Disc: Mirapuri and Miravillage
2. CD-Plus: New Year Music 2002

Click here for all Michel Montecrossa Pressinfos.

Welcome / Sri Aurobindo and Mira Alfassa-The Mother: Biography / Sri Aurobindo and the Integral Yoga / The Mother - Her Dream and the Integral Yoga / Sri Aurobindo and Mira Alfassa-The Mother: Picture-Gallery / Michel Montecrossa: Portrait / Michel Montecrossa Newsletter / Michel Montecrossa Pressinfos / Michel Montecrossa sings Bob Dylan and related artists / Michel Montecrossa sings Françoise Hardy / Michel Montecrossa sings Jimmie Rodgers and Country Heroes / Michel Montecrossa sings Elvis Presley and Evergreens / Michel Montecrossa: Picture-Gallery / Mirapuri - Vision and Becoming / Miravinci-Meditationcenter of Mirapuri / Mirapuri-Information-Center / Mirapuri Guest House / Riva del Tempo Restaurant / Mirapuri-Alimentari-Grocery / Omnidiet Resort and Business Hotel / International Free Cinema Filmfestival in Mirapuri / Mirapuri World Peace Festival / Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri - General Information / Bands participating at the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri / Mirapuri Rainbow Gathering / Mirapuri World Literature Fest / New Ranch and Adventure Camping / Mirapuri Apartments / Mirapuri-Casa-Constructionservice / MiraSolaris / Navaveda / Mirasiddhi-Healthcenter for Mirapuri / M.I.R.A. Mother's International Research Academy in Mirapuri / Friends of Mirapuri / Miravillage - Vision and Becoming / Filmaur Multimedia / Mirapuri-Verlag / Mira Sound Germany / Miraprint / Michel Montecrossa Rock Vision Diner / Mirayantra Healthcenter for Miravillage / New Age Seminars / Mirapuri Planet Radio and T.V. for the Internet

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