25th, 26th, 27th October 2013
Mirapuri World Literature Fest
c/o Omnidiet Resort and Business Hotel
Via Monte Falò 8
28011 Mirapuri - Coiromonte (Prov. di Novara), Italy
Phone: ++39 - 0322 - 999 009, Fax: ++39 - 0322 - 999129
eMail: Omnidiet@Mirapuri-Enterprises.com
FRIDAY, 25th OCTOBER 2013 |
18:00 | Opening of the book and multimedia exhibition and the Autumn-Winter exhibition of new original Paintings and Drawings by Michel Montecrossa with the title ‘CREATIVITY’. For the opening Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali give their welcome-speeches for ‘Love World Action in Literature, Movie, Art, Topical-Songs and Audio-Books’ along with presentation of books and multimedia by the Mirapuri authors Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali, Sri Aurobindo, Mira Alfassa and Anand Buchwald in English and German language. |
19:00 | Dinner (reservation required) and being together |
20:00 | Screening of Michel Montecrossa’s New Topical Song Movie Collection ‘Top Topical, Part I’ |
13:00 | Lunch (reservation required) |
15:00 | Book and Multimedia Exhibition |
17:00 | Screening of Michel Montecrossa’s New Topical Song Movie Collection ‘Top Topical, Part II’ |
19:00 | Dinner (reservation required) |
22:00 | Michel Montecrossa and his band The Chosen Few |
SUNDAY, 27th OCTOBER 2013 |
12:00 | Meditation at the Miravinci, the Meditation Center of Mirapuri, with the New Year Music 2013 ‘The Divine Realization Symphony‘ by Michel Montecrossa |
13:30 | Lunch (reservation required) and Farewell |
Mirapuri World Literature Fest
c/o Omnidiet Resort and Business Hotel
Via Monte Falò 8
28011 Mirapuri - Coiromonte (Prov. di Novara), Italy
Phone: ++39 - 0322 - 999 009, Fax: ++39 - 0322 - 999129
eMail: Omnidiet@Mirapuri-Enterprises.com
About the Mirapuri World Literature Fest Authors:
Michel Montecrossa, the founder of Mirapuri, and Mirakali are most prolific 21st century philosophers, novelists, poets, moviemakers, painters, musicians, songwriters and composers, writing in English and German language.
Anand Buchwald, Diana Antara and Mirachandra are Mirapuri authors writing modern tales, children stories and novels in German language.
Sri Aurobindo and Mira Alfassa are two of the greatest modern philosophers, authors of spiritual books, musicians, artists, playwrights and poets writing in English and French language.
Mirapuri World Literature Releases:
(252 pages, English commentary, Hardcover)
“‘Paintings & Drawings Vol. II’ continues the documentation of the world’s adventure into the future through my artwork. It shows the evolving body of vividly changing paintings and drawings coming from the heart of things for the living celebration of humanity where artist and viewer are equally creative participants in a conscious experience that shows how much we are all connected. My art is a giving of myself to love borderless and true, embracing the inner as much as the outer, making love meet love united in the best – for whatever you give to love will also be given to you. My art is there to show the courageous and powerfully new, the spontaneous advance, the simple truth. I show through my art that conscious experience of union with the invisible is as valid as conscious experience of a physical world with visible bodies and invisible minds. I see my paintings and drawings as drops of light coming from the ocean of consciousness into the earthly field so that through the drops forms of all-embracing love, which is the nature of this ocean, will appear, carrying the breath of life and the image of the immortal soul.” - Michel Montecrossa ‘Paintings & Drawings Vol. II‘ is showing 234 paintings and drawings by Michel Montecrossa from 1957 till 2013.
(240 pages, English, softcover)
88 Song Lyrics with Guitar Chords, Cool Images, Paintings and Drawings from Michel Montecrossa’s powerful and warm-hearted ‘Love & Unity Climate Change Concert Tour 2012‘ The ‘Love & Unity’ book presents 88 song lyrics from Michel Montecrossa’s powerful and warm-hearted Love & Unity Climate Change Concert Tour 2012. Each song is featured with easy to learn guitar chord-progressions. Michel Montecrossa says: “The ‘Love & Unity’ New-Topical-Songs are consciousness-building stimulations that are transporting the values of the true, the right and the vast. They stand for high ethics and bring it to the streets. They stand for the living celebration of humanity and the life of happy generations embraced by the warmth of love on a united earth. They stand for safe homes where mothers and fathers together with their children of hope can live and look towards a prosperous future of peace, progress and fulfillment. They are 88 New-Topical-Songs singing: ‘The Solution is found in Human Unity.’ They are documenting history as it unfolds and look beyond the present into the beauty of a future that we could reach if we only would want it. They are meant to do their good work in the stream of media, on the marketplace and at home. The ‘Love & Unity‘ book and Audio-CD box are presenting 85 English songs and 3 German songs.“ ‘Love & Unity’ is a poetic masterpiece of songwriting by Michel Montecrossa, one of the 21st century’s greatest musician-artist. ‘Love & Unity’ unfolds its powerful and warm-hearted message on 240 pages with 88 song lyrics, cool images, paintings, drawings, concert posters and guitar chords. The ‘Love & Unity’ song lyrics book goes along with the ‘Love & Unity’ 6 CD-Box presenting the recordings of all 88 New-Topical-Songs performed by Michel Montecrossa for listening and singing along. (240 pages, English, softcover)
Michel Montecrossa says about the ‘Top Topical’ Song & Movie Collection: “The ‘Top Topical’ Song and Movie Collections is my heart’s blood call for action through New-Topical-Songs. They are stimulating educational songs transporting the values of the true, the right and the vast. They stand for high ethics and bring it to the streets. They stand for the living celebration of humanity and the life of happy generations embraced by the warmth of love on a united earth. They stand for safe homes where mothers and fathers together with their children of hope can live and look towards a prosperous future of peace, progress and fulfillment.”
(PAL, 69:44 Min.)
Michel Montecrossa says about the ‘Top Topical’ Song & Movie Collection: “The ‘Top Topical’ Song and Movie Collections is my heart’s blood call for action through New-Topical-Songs. They are stimulating educational songs transporting the values of the true, the right and the vast. They stand for high ethics and bring it to the streets. They stand for the living celebration of humanity and the life of happy generations embraced by the warmth of love on a united earth. They stand for safe homes where mothers and fathers together with their children of hope can live and look towards a prosperous future of peace, progress and fulfillment.”
'SexualitÄt – Eine Zukunft für die Zukunft'
Die Sexualität ist eine Urgewalt, die unser Leben durchdringt, wie kaum etwas anderes, und trotz der sexuellen Revolution der sechziger und siebziger Jahre und der folgenden Liberalisierung ist sie immer noch von Tabus umgeben wie kaum etwas anderes. Sie hat das Potenzial, unser Sein zu bereichern, aber das Schweigen, das sie umgibt, ist Zeugnis unserer Sprachlosigkeit und unserer Scham und zeigt, wie innerlich gespalten wir in Bezug auf unsere Sexualität sind und wie wenig dieser wichtige Bereich in unser Leben integriert ist. Privat lieben wir den Sex, doch sind wir nicht in der Lage, mit unseren Freunden oder Partnern entspannt über Selbstbefriedigung, Verhütung, sexuelles Empfinden, Selbstwahrnehmung, bi- und homosexuelle Gefühle, Unfruchtbarkeit, Versagensängste usw. zu kommunizieren; Religion, gesellschaftliches Brauchtum, Erziehung und Gewohnheit hindern uns recht effektiv daran. Auch wenn man die Sexualität in unserem Lebensausdruck nicht direkt wahrnehmen kann, so ist sie doch in alle Bereiche unseres Lebens verwoben, und ihre Entfaltung, Missachtung oder Unterdrückung hat einen nicht zu unterschätzenden Einfluss auf unsere Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, unser Selbstwertgefühl, auf unsere Beziehungen, unser gesellschaftliches Miteinander, auf unsere Offenheit und sogar direkt und indirekt auf die Politik. Dieses Buch bietet eine Hilfestellung, um die Sexualität neu wahrnehmen und sich auch innerlich sexuell befreien zu können und zu einem erfüllten, zukunftsfähigen Menschen zu werden.
(216 pages, Hardcover, German)
Durch die freundliche Einladung des Fachreferenten beim Referat für Ökumene und Interreligiösen Dialog, Herrn Peter Miller, erhielt Michel Montecrossa, der Gründer von Mirapuri – der Stadt des Friedens und des Zukunftsmenschen in Europa, Italien, deren Aufbau aus den Idealen des Integralen Yoga von Sri Aurobindo hervorgeht, am 9. Mai 2012 im Pfarrheim von St. Paul, München die Möglichkeit, über Sri Aurobindo’s Leben und Werk und Menschenbild einen Grundsatzvortrag anlässlich des 39. Treffen der Interreligiösen Runde zu halten. In diesem Buch werden der vollständige Text des Vortrags von Michel Montecrossa veröffentlicht, sowie Fragen und Antworten zu dem Vortrag, eine Zusammenstellung von weiterführenden Zitaten aus den Werken von Sri Aurobindo und Michel Montecrossa und Informationen über den Aufbau von Mirapuri in Italien und Miravillage, dem ersten Satelliten von Mirapuri in Süddeutschland. In dem Vortrag werden die essenziellen Gedanken von Sri Aurobindo und Michel Montecrossa dargestellt und in aktuellen Bezug zu heutigen und zukünftigen Welt- und Menschheitsentwicklungen gebracht. Am Ende seines Vortrags sagte Michel Montecrossa: “Mirapuri ist ein Platz, an dem Menschen, die dieses Ziel, dieses Anliegen des Integralen Yoga der Entfaltung einer neuen Lebensorientierung und der sich daraus ergebenden weiterführenden Bewusstseinsforschung angenommen haben, die nicht nur darüber lesen, sondern es vor allem praktizieren und selbst erleben wollen, um neue Schritte, neue Erkenntnisse über dies praktisch unendliche Feld der Bewusstseinsverwirklichung aus ihrer Seele, aus ihrem kosmischen Spirit, aus ihrem Kontakt mit dem Großen Bewusstsein zum Wohle aller in das irdische Leben zu bringen.” Als Abschluss der Gesprächsrunde sagte Michel Montecrossa: „Hoffnung ist Zukunft. Zukunft ist das Wunderbare, das Göttliche. Aus diesem Wunderbaren ist die Wirklichkeit gemacht. Deshalb ist alles möglich, da wir uns zu diesem Wunderbaren öffnen, uns mit ihm verbinden und es in unserem Leben verkörpern können als das Wahre, das Richtige, das Weite.“
(140 pages, Hardcover)
Michel Montecrossa on art: “Art in all forms opens for us the gates to the worlds of consciousness. This is the essential purpose of art. Form, style or technique don‘t matter. Important is only: the gates are opened. My work in the fields of music, film production, fine arts, architecture, literature, poetry and philosophy opens some of these gates.” Michel Montecrossa, artist and voice of peace, expressive power, love and happiness. Michel Montecrossa is an exceptional holistic 21st century artist. He unifies in himself the songwriter, the composer, the painter, the writer, the film producer, the futuristic architect and the Cyberartist for the expression of a global, future oriented consciousness. The art book ‘Paintings & Drawings‘ is the first volume of a series presenting the artwork of Michel Montecrossa. His paintings and drawings are the documentation of a free man and his soul journey. Michel Montecrossa‘s art is a stream-of-consciousness-creation expressing through the secret energy of photons the mystery, the love, the joy and light of an ever expanding life of awareness, communication and beauty. The book shows 135 paintings and drawings from 1969 till 2012 on 140 pages.
'10 Special Attention New-Topical Songs & Movies by Michel Montecrossa apropos U.S.A. presidential election 2012 and presidential term 2012 – 2016'
(DVD, English, Duration: 38:59 Min., PAL
Audio-CD, English, Duration: 35:07 Min.)
’10 Special Attention New-Topical Songs & Movies by Michel Montecrossa apropos U.S.A. presidential election 2012 and presidential term 2012 – 2016′ released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio CD and DVD is Michel Montecrossa’s powerful Topical Song and Movie statement of commitment to a new level of work ethic in politics and economy for the future world. Michel Montecrossa’s 10 New-Topical-Songs turn in a universal way to the burning questions the USA has to face and to the fact that the quality of the USA answer to these questions will be affecting the entire world. The USA Presidential Election 2012 and the following Presidential Term 2012 – 2016 mark the time and the crossroads of destiny where humanity will have to decide if it moves towards unity and peace or towards disunity and endless wars. In the play of forces that influence the quality of this decision the USA will play a great role. Therefore the greatness or the smallness of the USA president is a major factor for building World Unity and World Peace. The ’10 Special Attention New-Topical-Songs & Movies Apropos U.S.A. Presidential Election 2012 & Presidential Term 2012 – 2016′ include masterpieces like ‘Talking Big Warning‘, ‘Talking U.S.A. Apocalypse‘, ‘Talking Occupy Wall Street Movement‘ and ‘Talking Banking Solution‘. All songs take up their themes in the spirit of positive answers and unflinching reality awareness to be helpful in finding clarity, determination, hope and courage. Michel Montecrossa says: “The ten special attention New-Topical-Song Movies feature ten red-hot hot spot themes for concerts, discussions and debates in talk shows, articles and forums related to the U.S.A. Presidential Election 2012 and Presidential Term 2012 – 2016 and their impact on the world.”
The ‘Future World’ presents 90 song lyrics from Michel Montecrossa’s hope-giving Future World & Climate Change Concert Tour 2011. Each song is featured with easy to learn guitar chord-progressions.
Michel Montecrossa says: “The ‘Future World’ topical-songs in this book and on the Audio-CD box are songs by the ‘Singing News Man’ that inspire to see the good, to live the good, to do the good. They are hope-giving songs and hope is good for effective future-building. They are 90 New-Topical-Songs about peace, human unity, future fear, change, protest, upheaval, revolution, work, fair wages, health, education, bankas, politos, consciousness, ethics and what the people need. They are good for every talk show, article, TV & radio program and concert in your town. The ‘Future World‘ book and Audio-CD box are presenting 73 English songs,
1 bilingual German-English song and 16 German songs. They document history in the making, give intelligent answers and show solutions.“
‘Future World’ is a poetic masterpiece of songwriting by Michel Montecrossa, one of the 21st century’s greatest musician-artist.
‘Future World’ unfolds its inspiring message on 208 pages with 90 song lyrics, photographs, digital art, paintings, drawings, concert posters and guitar chords.
(Audio-CD Box)
The ‘Future World‘ Audio-CD box is presenting 73 English songs, 1 bilingual German-English song and 16 German songs. They document history in the making, give intelligent answers and show solutions.“
(DVD, English, Duration: 42:22 Min., PAL)
‘Straight from the Spirit of Woodstock Festival’ – Michel Montecrossa’s special collection of 10 Hit-Songs, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio CD and DVD, was recorded live on Friday 27th July 2012 as the opening of the Spirit of Woodstock Festival and as celebration of its 20th birthday. In a world of almost total media control the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri since 20 years takes a stand for the independence of musicians and their freedom of creativity and expression. In 2012 the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri celebrated its 20th birthday together with Michel Montecrossa and international musicians as a proud success of the Free Music Revolution. ‘Straight from the Spirit of Woodstock Festival’ presents the Free Music Revolution as a revolution of Love and Unity. Michel Montecrossa together with Mirakali, Diana Antara and his band The Chosen Few brings their message of hope and humanity in 10 great festival-birthday-songs: ’The Days Of Love And Unity‘, ‘Who Is There‘, ‘You Are My Girl – You Are The One‘, ‘Heartdreams‘, ‘I Am There‘, ‘Love & Unity Solution Song‘, ‘Girls With Big, Big Tits‘, ‘Wild West Honey‘, ‘Love Wider Than The Universe‘ and ‘For All The Good Things‘. The Audio CD & DVD of ‘Straight from the Spirit of Woodstock Festival’ present the inimitable flair of the festival through the heartfelt and strong performance of Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali, Diana Antara and his band The Chosen Few and through visual impressions from the festival, its audience and dance artists. Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Straight from the Spirit of Woodstock Festival’: “The ‘Straight from the Spirit of Woodstock Festival’ DVD and CD present 10 Hit-Songs from our 2012 twentieth festival-birthday-performance of more than 160 songs which we played during the ten festival days from 27th July to 5th August 2012. For me and my band the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri is a genuinely touching event of Love and Unity where our songs stand as messengers of Light and Truth in times of merciless cynicism and brutal mass manipulation. All our music tells of a Future of Harmony that offers itself to be proclaimed to the world. ‘Straight from the Spirit of Woodstock Festival’ freely carries the message of this future to everyone’s heart and mind and soul to comfort and drive away isolation, loneliness and discouragement.”
Michel Montecrossa says: “At the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2011 in Mirapuri myself, Mirakali and Diana Antara presented all brand new songs of our Future World & Climate Change Concert Tour of that year.
During ten days we performed 163 Cyberrock-Dance and
New-Topical-Songs in a timeless way touching the vibrant nerves of our era, singing of love and hope and effective ways into a better future by confronting the questions of the moment and giving lasting answers through the living celebration of humanity.
Share with this book and the two Audio-CD Boxes that go along with it this Celebration, this Love, this Hope, this Way, this Future.”
(DVD-Boxes, Duration: 103 Min. PAL,
Audio-CD Boxes
Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali & Diana Antara at the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2011 in Mirapuri, Italy, released by Mira Sound Germany as two Boxes-Set with twelve Audio-CDs or DVDs featuring all 163 festival songs of Michel Montecrossa and his band ladies Mirakali and Diana Antara. The two Boxes-Set presents a stunning variety of original music ranging from acoustic and electric New Topical Songs to mind-blowing Cyberrock and Dancedrive with a good dose of Nu Romance.
Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali and Diana Antara at the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2011 in Mirapuri, Italy: 163 great festival songs of Michel Montecrossa and his band ladies Mirakali and Diana Antara released as two Boxes-Set with twelve Audio-CDs or DVDs.
Michel Montecrossa says about Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali, Diana Antara at the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2011 in Mirapuri, Italy: “Future World is the new direction and is the direction myself, Mirakali and Diana Antara express through our songs.”
(DVD, English, Duration: 57 Min. PAL,
Audio-CD, English, Duration: 55:20 Min.)
‘Occupy Wall Street – 17 New-Topical-Songs & Movies’: released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio CD or DVD is Michel Montecrossa’s poignant song expression of the need, the anguish, the unrest and the hope of the people of the world. In his topical songs Michel Montecrossa not only confronts conflicts, controversial issues and grave problems but above all leads to solutions and hopeful answers.
Michel Montecrossa about the 17 ‘Occupy Wall Street’ songs: “The world is driftin’ apart. The distance between rich and poor is growing. Mad politos and mad bankas. From terror to nuclear war. And in the midst of all human and natural disasters something wonderful is happening. It is outside the limitations of mind and it is moving the soul of the people. A quantum leap of humanity, a marvel of evolution.
Things don’t fall apart. Finally we are set free and the prisons crumble.”
(DVD, English, Duration: 103 Min.
Double-Audio-CD, English, Duration: 98:29 Min.)
‘Evolver Cool – 29 New-Topical-Songs & Movies’: released by Mira Sound Germany on Double Audio CD or DVD is Michel Montecrossa’s inimitable way of kicking the brain to think more deeply about what is happening. Bursting with life every song hits a hot spot topical with straight forward Evolver Dynamics and clear-sighted solutions.
Michel Montecrossa about the 29 ‘Evolver Cool’ songs & movies: “EVOLVER COOL is awareness stimulation beyond gorillas & bananas in times of crisis. Evolve your consciousness! Is the message of these 29 New-Topical-Songs celebrating independent thinking and telling of what it really means to run something. Action is needed for a better world. Let Love and Unity be our way.”
(DVD, English, Duration: 14:12 Min. PAL)
Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Under Palm Trees’: “Mirakali is a great musician, cybermovie artist and expert in peace meditation. All these extraordinary qualities are combined to form her movie ‘Under Palm Trees’. Her enchanting voice, lyrics and melodies enter the wonderful spaces of her virtuality world and become a movie of deeply fulfilling peace and unifying meditation. The songs presented are : ‘Under Palm Trees’, ‘Magic Night’ and ‘I Feel At Home In Your Embrace’.”
(DVD, Englisch-German, Duration 54:55 Min., PAL
Audio-CD, English-German, Duration: 54:37 Min.)
Michel Montecrossa’s touching and powerful ‘Christmas Symphony – Weihnachts Symphonie’ released by Mira Sound Germany as Audio-CD and DVD with 6 orchestral and 6 solo chant tracks is dedicated to the young life of Jesus. Michel Montecrossa has written the lyrics of the chants on the basis of early Jesus traditions. ‘The Christmas Symphony’ is performed by Michel Montecrossa and his Lightsound Orchestra. The vocals are performed in English and German by Michel Montecrossa.
‘The Christmas Symphony’ is part of Michel Montecrossa’s great sacral symphonic triptych comprising ‘The Christmas Symphony’, ‘The Jesus Symphony‘ and ‘The Maria Magdalena Symphony‘.
Michel Montecrossa says about ‘The Christmas Symphony’: “‘The Christmas Symphony’ is music of warmth, tender power and intimate nearness to the Divine. It is dedicated to young Jesus and the timeless marvel of divine Love and all it means for the future.
Whatever happens, whatever we say or do, in the end we come to understand that it is always this Love that helps and protects us and that it is the answer to everything.
(Audio-CD, English-German, Duration: 64:09 Min.)
Michel Montecrossa’s profound ‘Jesus Symphony’ released by Mira Sound Germany as Audio-CD or DVD with 6 orchestral and 5 solo chant tracks is dedicated to the life and message of Jesus. Michel Montecrossa has written the lyrics of the song-chants on the basis of the Gospel of Thomas. ‘The Jesus Symphony’ is performed by Michel Montecrossa and his Lightsound Orchestra. The vocals are performed in English and German by Michel Montecrossa.
Michel Montecrossa about ‘The Jesus Symphony’: “It is music of light and love in honour of the great Jesus.”
(Audio-CD, English-German, Duration: 41:58 Min.)
Michel Montecrossa’s great ‘Maria Magdalena Symphony’ released by Mira Sound Germany as Audio-CD with 10 orchestral and chant tracks is dedicated to the life and heritage of Maria Magdalena. Michel Montecrossa has written the lyrics of the chants on the basis of the Gospel of Maria Magdalena.
‘The Maria Magdalena Symphony’ is performed by Michel Montecrossa and his Lightsound Orchestra. The chants are performed in English and German by Michel Montecrossa.
Michel Montecrossa about ‘The Maria Magdalena Symphony’:
“It is music of innerness and warmth in honour of Maria Magdalena and her love for Jesus.”
(DVD, English, Duration 59:34 Min, PAL
Audio-CD, English, Duration 59:16 Min.
‘The Symphony Of Light’ composed and performed by Michel Montecrossa and his Lightsound Orchestra, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD or DVD, is a Peace Meditation for contemplating light and wisdom in times of darkness and ignorance.
‘The Symphony Of Light’ comprises nine symphonic contemplations with aphorisms of Sri Aurobindo recited by Mira Alfassa – The Mother.
The meditative art film version visualizes ‘The Symphony Of Light’ by featuring the video recording of the first live performance of ‘The Symphony Of Light’ on 24th December 2011 combined with the presentation of photos of Sri Aurobindo and Mira Alfassa – The Mother, made by Henri Cartier-Bresson and Tara Jauhar. Additional fine-art and Cyberart images as well as consciousness expanding Cybermovie sequences by Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali make ‘The Symphony Of Light’ movie into a holistic masterpiece of art.
Michel Montecrossa about ‘The Symphony Of Light’: “‘The Symphony Of Light’ together with the recitation of Sri Aurobindo’s aphorisms recited by Mira Alfassa – The Mother was composed for all mankind to give light, peace and wisdom and strengthen the soul in times of darkness, anguish and ignorance.”
Eine Zukunft für die Zukunft'
Wir leben in einer Zeit andauernden Wandels in allen Bereichen des Lebens auf dieser Erde. Das Selbstverständnis der Nationen ändert sich, und unser Globus wächst auf vielen Ebenen langsam einer noch fernen Einheit entgegen. Getragen wird diese Bewegung von Menschen, die dem Obrigkeitsdenken und dem begrenzten Horizont früherer Zeiten im Zuge der zunehmenden Vernetzung und sich verbessernden Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten entwachsen und sich einen neuen Anfang auf der Basis eines neuen Miteinanders wünschen.
Wichtiger Bestandteil dieser Bemühungen um einen Wandel ist die Politik, die Einfluss auf die meisten Bereiche unseres Lebens hat. Sie ist Teil der gegenwärtigen Probleme und eine der Ursachen so mancher Zwistigkeiten und Kriege. Darum ist es unerlässlich, dass die Politik ihr innewohnendes Potenzial erkennt und entfaltet und ihre Kräfte dazu einsetzt, alles Trennende zu überwinden und nicht nur zu einer friedlichen Koexistenz zu gelangen, sondern zu einem liebevollen Miteinander zu finden.
Die Entfaltung dieses noch verborgenen Potenzials ist das Anliegen dieses Buches, so dass die Politik ihren Aufgaben gerecht werden kann und zu einem Motor des Wandels wird. Diesen Wandel in eine Neue Welt hat Michel Montecrossa in den Interludien zwischen den einzelnen Kapiteln leidenschaftlich und engagiert mit seinen Topical Songs besungen.
(321 pages, Paperback, German language)
Eine Zusammenstellung von Texten zu wesentlichen Fragen, die sich auf dem Weg des Integralen Yoga stellen. Sri Aurobindo und Die Mutter begegnen uns hier auf umfassende Weise als Helfer und Meister für unser Leben.
Das Handbuch des Integralen Yoga ist ein Buch, in dem man jeden Tag lesen sollte, um Antwort, Bestätigung, Rat und Schutz aus dem Bewusstsein von Sri Aurobindo und Der Mutter zu erhalten.
(297 pages, Paperback, English language)
A compilation of texts on essential questions that emerge on the path of the Integral Yoga. Here we are meeting Sri Aurobindo and Mira Alfassa – The Mother in a comprehensive way as friends and masters for our lives.
A Practical Guide to Integral Yoga is a book, which we should read every day to find answers, confirmations, advice and protection in the consciousness of Sri Aurobindo and Mira Alfassa – The Mother.
Der Aufbruch in eine neue Erfahrung für den Aufbau einer neuen Welt
(424 pages, Paperback, German language)
Die Welt ist der Schauplatz einer sich immer weiter entfaltenden Bewusstseinsrevolution. Diese Revolution ist keine äußerliche, sondern eine innere Revolution: die alles umfassende Erneuerung des Wesens von innen heraus.
Wie kann ein Neues Bewusstsein entstehen? Welches sind die Bedingungen? Was sind die Charakteristiken seines Übergangs in die Materie? Wie kann das Neue Bewusstsein zu einem entscheidenden, transformierenden Faktor in der Welt werden?
Mit diesen Fragen beschäftigt sich die Sonnenrevolution.
Die Sonnenrevolution zeigt Wege in eine neue Psychologie der Seele auf und stellt eine reichhaltige Synthese von Wissen und Erfahrung für das harmonische Wachstum eines reifen individuellen und gemeinschaftlichen Lebens vor.
Die Sonnenrevolution zeigt, wie die Ausweitung des Bewusstseins zur Schöpfung neuer Seinsweisen und zum Aufbau von Transformationsstädten als dem Anfang und dem Ausdruck eines planetarischen Wandels vom Menschen hin zum Zukunftsmenschen führt.
Die Sonnenrevolution zeigt den Weg in eine Zukunft des Friedens, der Kreativität, der Liebe und des Glücklichseins, in der die gesamte Menschheit durch Fortschritt und Freude in einer Welt vereint ist, die frei von Krieg und Unterdrückung ist.
Michel Montecrossa, der Autor der Sonnenrevolution ist der zukunftsorientierte Gründer von Mirapuri – der Stadt des Friedens und des Zukunftsmenschen in Europa, Italien und Miravillage, ihrem ersten Satelliten in Deutschland, wo das Wachstum in das Neue Bewusstsein gelebt werden kann.
Die Ausgangsbasis von Mirapuri ist das Werk und die Vision von Sri Aurobindo und seiner spirituellen Partnerin Mira Alfassa – Die Mutter.
Zusammen mit Mira Alfassa erarbeitete Michel Montecrossa in vier Jahren einer liebevollen und schöpferischen Freundschaft die Idee von Mirapuri.
Die Sonnenrevolution enthält die Dokumentation dieser urspünglichen Inspiration durch Mira Alfassa wie auch ihre detaillierte Ausweitung als Schritt in eine Neue Erfahrung und Vision.
Mirapuri – die Stadt des Friedens und des Zukunftsmenschen in Europa, Italien und Miravillage, ihr erster Satellit in Deutschland gehören heute zu den bedeutendsten Zentren der Verwirklichung dieser Neuen Erfahrung und Vision. Die Sonnenrevolution ist das grundlegende Werk von Michel Montecrossa über dieses Abenteuer des Bewusstseins und der Freude.
12 Essays über Frieden und Bewusstseinsbildung in Mirapuri, Stadt des Friedens und des Zukunftsmenschen in Europa, Italien
(214 pages, Hardcover, German language)
Michel Montecrossa schreibt in seinem Buch ‚Zeichen der Zeit' nicht nur über die Notwendigkeit der Sicherung von globalem Frieden für ein positives menschliches Bewusstseinswachstum, sondern beschreibt ebenso umfassende aktive Schritte in eine bessere Zukunft, geprägt von Bewusstseinsforschung und deren praktische Umsetzung in das materielle Leben.
Michel Montecrossa hat mit der Gründung von Mirapuri ein europäisches Zentrum humanistisch-spiritueller Erfahrung und Lebensweise geschaffen, dessen Philosophie der Weltoffenheit und Weltvereinigung in ‚Zeichen der Zeit' auf vielfältige Weise Ausdruck findet.
‚Zeichen der Zeit' spricht von der Bedeutung der Jugend, des Jung-Seins, der Offenheit zu Neuem und zur Handlungsfähigkeit ebenso wie von den Grundlagen und der Bedeutung moderner Bewusstseinsforschung.
‚Zeichen der Zeit' beschreibt als Teil von Mirapuri das weite Panorama einer neuen Universität der umfassenden Bewusstseinsentwicklung, in der Kunst, Wissenschaft, Philosophie, Religion, spirituelle Erkenntnis und Bewusstseinsforschung als gleichberechtigte Aspekte neuen Denkens studiert werden.
‚Zeichen der Zeit' dokumentiert Beispiele dieses neuen Denkens in Kunst, Filmschaffen und Song-Dichtung als Ausdrucksweisen futuristischer Lebensweise und kreativen Lebens, die in einer Welt des Klimawandels zu Wegen in eine glückliche Zukunft werden können.
Michel Montecrossa's Happy Future and Climate Change speech for the Mirapuri World Peace Festival 2010 as DVD Audio Book with the complete text and the topical song performance 'Love and Listen'
(DVD, English, Duration 30:16 Min, PAL)
"If you look at the world from an external point of view the promise of a happy future seems to be a vain promise in the face of all the questions of climate change on earth but it is only a seeming; in reality if you look deeper into these questions of future and climate change you will see that we are living at an exceptionally promising and hopeful moment in the history of mankind. It is a crossroad and in the crossroad situation we always face great and powerful impulses for progress. It is an inrush of the new into our present scheme of awareness and frame of consciousness…"
- Michel Montecrossa in his 'Happy Future and Climate Change' speech.
'The Future Is Young - Listen To The Young' presents
Michel Montecrossa's speech for the Mirapuri World Peace Festival 2011 as DVD Audio book with the complete text and six related topical song performances which are part of the speech.
(DVD, English, Duration 52:52 Min. PAL)
Michel Montecrossa says in his opening statement:
"The future is made by the young and those who are young at heart. And that is why the future is young. I take you now on a trail of thoughts that move in the words, thoughts that move on into poetry, into songs, into tunes. What I present to you is therefore a poetry-song-speech.
We start with our trail of thoughts. Thoughts that lead us into a young world, that encourage us to be young at heart. The future world and climate change will go together if we are always young at heart because then we can look forward into this young future, because then we are no longer limited to the old past which gets older every day and ever more. Let's turn to the young future, this future which is made by the young. And then we will see that the future is full of life, full of hope, full of possibilities. The future world must be governed by the young and that is what I want to tell you: never grow old, always stay young, stay young at heart. It is this young future I'm singin' about, I'm talkin' about and in my lyrics I continue this trail of thoughts and in my tunes I give them the image of sound: the image, the thought, the poem of a young future."
Songlyrics Book and CD-Box with 4 Audio-CDs presenting all 55 songs
(322 pages, Paperback, English language)
'Happy Future' presents 55 song lyrics from Michel Montecrossa's Happy Future Climate Change Concert Tour 2010.
Michel Montecrossa's songs are a bold and encouraging expression of finding the deeper answers to the questions of humanity in a rapidly changing world.
Michel Montecrossa says:
"My songs are topical songs that want to stimulate your emotions and outlook on things. They take a stand for clear-sighted, positive action. They are songs for the living celebration of humanity."
'Happy Future' is a superb masterpiece of song writing by Michel Montecrossa, one of the 21st century's greatest musician-artist.
'Happy Future' unfolds its dedicated message of peace, love and happiness on 322 pages with 55 song lyrics, commentaries, images, concert poster art, discography and guitar chords.
27 New-Topical-Song Movies
(DVD, English, Duration 110 Min., PAL)
"My New-Topical-Song-Movement and its movies are there to bring to the people the songs that inspire and to bring them fast. To make CDs and DVDs, songbooks, programs, songsheets, concerts.
To distribute the songs globally via internet, shops, radio & TV and get the messages discussed and cited in newspapers, magazines, talk shows, social networks and gatherings.
The New-Topical-Songs are songs for the people and a world where we all vote, eat, work, talk, plan, think and love together so that your people will know my people and we don't lose the peace and the world along with it."
- Michel Montecrossa
Michel Montecrossa is an attentive observer of reality and misses no opportunity to let his songs voice the painful problems that disturb the well-being of our planet.
- Gianni Mongrandi in the E-Zine 'Daring To Do'
The Resurrection Movie-Art-Book is presenting Michel Montecorssa's revolutionary Peace & Climate Change Musical through thrilling images, art work, poetry, song lyrics and the complete text telling the love-tale of Cyberrocker Astronaut Starlight and his mate Earthpower and how they change hellish mega city planet through their music into a free world.
(196 pages, Paperback, English language)
"The Resurrection Movie", says Michel Montecrossa, "is a continuous awareness enhancing stream of multilayered messages telling the story simultaneously in a poetic, picturesque and musical way. It is presenting a new level of my ongoing creation of Fullstream Cinema-Art."
'The Resurrection Movie' tells the mythic love story of cyberrocker-astronaut Starlight and Earthpower. In a world that became one global mega city system, Starlight and Earthpower embody the unexpected and unforeseen that change everything. Into the holocaust of unending wars fought by an abysmal society, split between gangstas and rockers and led by a central processor regent (CPR), they bring the victory of humanity. An epic movie of music, love and passion for freedom. A celebration of deep-brain lovemakin', a grail of demechanization, a revelation of soul and body overcoming terror and impotence. A surreal and ultimately real world where death-fear and libido change into love and life. A musical verité of courage and love, profound emotions, passion and mystery. Michel Montecrossa is cyberrocker-astronaut Starlight. Mirakali is Earthpower.
'The Resurrection Movie': Power of Art. Power of Cinema. Power of Music. Power of Consciousness.
Michel Montecrossa's Peace & Climate Change Musical
(DVD, English, Duration 98 Min., PAL)
'The Resurrection Movie' is Michel Montecrossa's great peace & climate change musical with 27 songs and a great passion story telling the love-tale of cyberrocker-astronaut Starlight and his mate Earthpower and how they change hellish mega city planet through their music into a free world.
"The Resurrection Movie", says Michel Montecrossa, "is a continuous awareness enhancing stream of multilayered messages telling the story simultaneously in a poetic, picturesque and musical way. It is presenting a new level of my ongoing creation of Fullstream Cinema-Art."
'The Resurrection Movie' tells the mythic love story of cyberrocker-astronaut Starlight and Earthpower. In a world that became one global mega city system, Starlight and Earthpower embody the unexpected and unforeseen that change everything. Into the holocaust of unending wars fought by an abysmal society, split between gangstas and rockers and led by a central processor regent (CPR), they bring the victory of humanity. An epic movie of music, love and passion for freedom. A celebration of deep-brain lovemakin', a grail of demechanization, a revelation of soul and body overcoming terror and impotence. A surreal and ultimately real world where death-fear and libido change into love and life. A musical verité of courage and love, profound emotions, passion and mystery. Michel Montecrossa is cyberrocker-astronaut Starlight. Mirakali is Earthpower.
'The Resurrection Movie': Power of Art. Power of Cinema. Power of Music. Power of Consciousness.
Eine Zukunft für die Zukunft
(171 pages, Paperback, German language)
In die Zukunft führen unzählig viele Wege. Wenn wir – nicht nur für uns, sondern für die ganze Welt – eine lebenswerte, fried- und freudvolle Zukunft haben wollen, so müssen wir aufhören, passiv dem Weg zu folgen, den die große Mehrheit der Menschen ungewollt vorgibt, sondern aktiv die Pfade suchen, die in die gewünschte Welt führen. Diese Pfade eröffnen sich uns am besten, wenn wir in uns den Geist und das Bewusstsein der Wunschzukunft zu entdecken und entfalten vermögen.
Nachdem Anand Buchwald in seinem Buch über Öko-Habitate einige der möglichen Pfade aufgezeigt hat, beleuchtet er in diesem Buch die Polyamorie als einen Aspekt des Weges in die Zukunft ausführlicher.
Polyamorie bedeutet, dass man dafür offen ist, viele Menschen zu lieben, jeden auf seine individuelle Weise, und weitere Beziehungen der Partner willkommen zu heißen. Ohne ideologischen Überbau lösen sich immer mehr Menschen von überalterten, bürgerlichen Beziehungsvorstellungen und -zwängen und machen sich auf, ihr Leben in Freiheit, Liebe und Brüderlichkeit zu gestalten und ein zukunftsweisendes Beispiel für ein harmonisches Zusammenleben auf unserem Planeten zu geben.
Dieses Buch beschäftigt sich mit der Realität polyamorer Beziehungen, dem dahinter stehenden Bewusstseinswandel und zeigt das Potenzial für die Entfaltung der Polyamorie und die mögliche Bedeutung für den Einzelnen und die Gesellschaft auf.
Ein leidenschaftliches Plädoyer
für die Liebe, die Menschen und die Zukunft.
Songlyrics Book and CD-Box with 5 Audio-CDs presenting all 63 songs and 1 Bonus DVD featuring the trailers for Michel Montecrossa's Futurist Courage & Love Climate Change Musical 'The House of Time'
(208 pages, Paperback, Englisch language)
'Courage & Love' presents 63 song-lyrics from Michel Montecrossa's landmark Courage & Love Climate Change Tour. Each song is featured with easy to learn guitar chord-progressions.
Michel Montecrossa says:
"A song can be the conscience of the world. It can be the voice that rights what went wrong.
Such a song is a true topical song. It is a song stirring emotions. It is the song remembered by generations. It is the song telling the story that moves others to think. Such a song comes from the future and is as old as man's time on earth.
It is a broadside from the depth of a voice stirred by love, going beyond all anger, sorrow, disgust and contempt. It sings 'Courage & Love' in the streets and on data-highways.
It is the song open to the vision that replaces law by freedom."
'Courage & Love' is an epic masterpiece of songwriting by Michel Montecrossa, one of the 21st century's greatest musician-artists.
'Courage & Love' unfolds its inspiring message on 120 pages with 63 song lyrics, photographs and guitar chords and a 6 CD Box.
4 Essays aus Mirapuri, der Stadt des Friedens und des Zukunftsmenschen in Europa
(112 pages, Hardcover, German language)
Michel Montecrossa,der Gründer von Mirapuri, der Stadt des Friedens und des Zukunftsmenschen in Europa, beschreibt in 4 Essays wie Mut und Liebe zu der Freude wachsenden Bewusstseins führen und sich der Puls der Jugend als Puls der Zukunft enthüllt:
"Freude strebt nach Erfolg, Glück und Anerkennung, und wenn
dieses Streben durch Mut und Liebe in Erfüllung geht und das Erlebnis des Erfolgs, das Erlebnis des Glücks und der Anerkennung erreicht wird, dann ist dies das Erlebnis der Freude des Höchsten Bewusstseins. Damit sich diese Freude suchen und finden kann, wurde das Weltall erschaffen, die Materie, und in der Materie der beseelte Körper, unser Körper. In diesem Körper entwickelt sich als Ausdruck der Seele das Streben nach Erfolg, nach Glück und Anerkennung. Unzählige Körper sind erfüllt von diesem Streben und suchen es zu finden in der Berührung mit dem anderen Körper, von Freude zu Freude. Aus diesem Streben, aus diesem ersten Impuls entsteht der Puls der Jugend, der vor Milliarden und Billionen von Jahren das Weltall zur Entfaltung angeregt hat und seither weiter führt und weiter entwickelt."
Poems & Images
(172 pages, Paperback, English language)
Love is the answer. This book shows the answer through images and lyrics of Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali. They are two of the most outstanding musician-poets of the 21st century. The love they live is as real as their work – and both they share with humanity. From the book go to their music, with the music go to the heart of things and feel the power of uplifting courage that knows how to do: Love is the answer.
(Textbooklet with Audio-CD, German language)
"Dies ist ein Text, der während einiger Tage und Nächte durch die Stimme des Herzens gesprochen wurde. Ich lauschte dieser Stimme und schrieb das Gehörte auf. Es war das Jahr 1969, wenige Monate bevor ich zur Mutter gefahren bin, und wenige Monate nachdem sich die lebendige Gegenwart von Sri Aurobindo in einem seiner Bilder gezeigt hatte."
- Michel, am 22.2.1991 in Mirapuri
‘ENTRETIENS 1956 - 1958’
(139 Audio CDs in French language and three softcover books in German language with a total of 904 pages.)
The complete Audio-Book Edition of The Mother’s talks from 1956 - 1958 in French language on 139 Audio CD’s, together with the German book edition. The ‘Entretiens 1956–1958’ are a great treasure of knowledge and experience for all who want to grow into a higher life and consciousness.
(240 pages, Paperback, German language)
Spätestens seit das Konzept der Klimakatastrophe die Zone andauernden Zweifels verlassen hat ist jedem Menschen klar, dass sich etwas Grundsätzliches ändern muss, wenn nicht nur die älteren Generationen überleben sollen, sondern auch die unzähligen Generationen, die nach uns kommen könnten. Und ebenso ist klar, dass von einer Politik, die von Machtstreben, Grabenkämpfen, Lobbyismus, Aussitzen und Desinteresse geprägt ist und die von veränderungsunwilligen und perspektivelosen Bürgern gestützt wird, nichts Hilfreiches erwartet werden kann. Dieses Buch ist für jene Menschen geschrieben, die sich damit nicht zufrieden geben, sondern anfangen, darüber nachzudenken, wie sich diese verfahrene Situation langfristig ändern lässt. Es geht hier nicht um Verweigerungshaltung und Aussteigermentalität, sondern darum, in ein dynamisches, zukunftsorientiertes Leben einzusteigen. Es wendet sich an die Abenteurer, die erkannt haben, dass die Rettung nicht nur in biologischer Landwirtschaft oder der Sonnenenergie zu finden ist, sondern darüber hinausgehend ein neues Gemeinschaftsleben und einen Wandel, ein neues Bewusstsein in ALLEN Bereichen des Lebens erfordert. Es beschreibt, wie dieser Einstieg in ein neues Leben aussehen könnte und gibt Einblick in die
Dinge, die beachtet werden sollten, wenn man sich auf dieses Abenteuer einlassen möchte. Dabei ist es aber keine minuziöse Bauanleitung, keine exklusive Bibel, sondern betont die Eigenverantwortung aller am Aufbau eines Öko-Habitats Beteiligten. Es ist eher ein Handbuch für angehende Bürger der ersten Inseln des Lichts.
Songlyrics with Guitar Chords from the Legendary ‘Peace and Climate Change Tour 2008’
(148 pages, Paperback, English language)
'Sunray Revolution' presents 84 song-lyrics from Michel Montecrossa's legendary Peace & Climate Change Tour 2008.
Each song is featured with easy to learn guitar chord-progressions.
'Sunray Revolution' is Michel Montecrossa's proud and mind-shaking adventure into eco-world. The challenging questions of our future on a planet with dwindling resources, energy-wars and irreversible global warming are highlighted on straightforward and inspiring genius-songs.
'Sunray Revolution' not only raises questions but above all is giving positive answers.
'Sunray Revolution' is joy and intelligence singing in 84 songs of our changing world and the way of peace and progress for a better future.
'Sunray Revolution' is a masterpiece of songwriting by Michel Montecrossa, one of the 21st century's greatest musician-artist.
'Sunray Revolution' unfolds its message on 148 pages with 84 song lyrics, photographs and guitar chords.
(26 pages, Paperback, German language)
Sternschnuppe entstand als Serie von 1969 - 1970. Die Geschichte bildet den Rahmen für eine szenische Folge von vielschichtig angelegten Bild - und Farbatmosphären, die sich durch wiederholte Betrachtung zu einer Erlebniswelt vertiefen können, die in sich den Schlüssel einer ständig neu erlebten Erfahrungsweise birgt.
Sternschnuppe ist ein Traum, der mit der Realität des Betrachters verschmilzt und sich zusammen mit ihm weiterentwickelt.
Sternschnuppe ist gemalte Musik. Farben und Formen sind wie Klänge und Melodien gestaltet, die sich einem inneren Hören ebenso wie einem inneren Sehen erschließen.
Sternschnuppe ist Poesie der Sinne auf dem Weg der Erfahrung.
Sternschnuppe ist als multidimensionales Mandala oder Sinnbild der Schönheit und Wonne angelegt.
Sternschnuppe ist als Teil eines Lebens der künstlerischen Freude, der Liebe und Freundschaft entstanden.
(‘World Poems’ unfolds its magic images and poems on 212 pages with 108 images and poems. Hardcover, English language)
‘World Poems’ photographed and written by Mirakali, the great artist-musician from Mirapuri, makes us plunge deep into the enchanting and revealing poem of the world.
‘World Poems’ is the soulful chant and image-garland of the wonderful gifts the world presents to you every day by one of the 21st century’s most outstanding photographer-poet.
(124 pages of pure delight in color and black & white combined with great lyrics. Hardcover, English language)
Moon. In the mystic moonlight shines the enchanting face of the eternal woman.
The moon is her guard, is the symbol that veils as much as it reveals.
The feminine image like the moon mirrors the truth of light into the night of human chaos.
Mirakali, master-photographer, poet and musician from Mirapuri presents ‘Moon‘ as a symphony of female images bringing the deep brain impact of their emotional and esthetic power to the front.
(64 pages, Paperback, Italian language)
'La piccola stella – La ricerca del tesoro' è un libro illustrato che tratta delle meraviglie della natura dedicato a tutti i bambini del mondo.
(137 pages, Paperback, German language)
Die Veden sind das älteste indische Schrifttum, das in Form unmittelbarer psychischer Eingebung das Wahrheitsbewusstsein zum Ausdruck bringt.
Die Upanishaden sind Schriften, die diese Licht-Bewusstseinssubstanz der vedischen Seher durch die Vermittlung des erleuchteten Geistes in einer Erfahrungsphilosophie zum Ausdruck bringen, deren Ziel jedoch nicht mentale Analyse ist, sondern das Geleiten auf den Weg der Erfahrung durch eine zunehmende Läuterung und Erleuchtung des Bewusstseins.
Wie in den Veden, so ist auch in den Upanishaden der psychische Innenraum, die seelische Gegenwart in den Versen die zentrale Botschaft, das Ziel und die durch Gewissheit führende Kraft der Eingebung, die den Sucher nach göttlicher Einswerdung zu dieser Erfahrung und Bewusstseinsumwandlung führt.
Sri Aurobindo hat durch seine Übersetzung und Erläuterung der Upanishaden diese Erfahrungskraft mit dem Bewusstsein der supramentalen Verwirklichung gestärkt und durchdrungen, und so den Weg in die spirituelle Zukunft erneut und in größter Vollständigkeit vor der strebenden Menschheit aufgetan.
(158 pages, Paperback, German language)
Teil Drei der Scifi-Reihe "Tayon"
(30 pages, Picturebook for children, German language with full size black and white drawings for self-coloring)
Kinderanmalbuch mit kurzer Geschichte von Pony und Kitty’s Abenteuern
(313 pages with 12 Illustrations by Diana Antara, Paperback, German language)
Der Fantasy-Roman Der Traumbrunnen erzählt die Geschichte von Brian O‘Day, einem schwulen, jungen Mann, der durch eine Serie unvorhergesehener und ungeplanter Ereignisse aus seinem eingespielten Alltag gerissen wird. Solche Veränderungen bringen immer die Möglichkeit eines grundlegenden Wandels mit sich, und Brian beschließt, diese zu nutzen. Ein mysteriöses Geschehen reißt ihn dann vollends aus seinem alten Leben. Seine Nachforschungen führen ihn auf eine Reise in ein neues Bewusstsein und ein neues Lebensgefühl. Und sie bringen ihn in eine Position, in der er für die Zukunft der Menschheit mitverantwortlich ist, zum Traumbrunnen – und zum Hüter der Träume.
(196 pages, Hardcover, German language, with Drawings)
Michel Montecrossa, der Gründer der Philosophie des Spirituellen Realismus, beschreibt in diesem Buch, gemeinsam mit seiner Lebensgefährtin Mirakali, die Vielfalt und Lebendigkeit der Bewusstwerdung der Einheit von Spirit und Materie und wie sie in Mirapuri zum Ausdruck kommt.
Michel Montecrossa und Mirakali leben in Mirapuri, der Stadt des Friedens und des Zukunftsmenschen in Europa, Italien. Sie arbeiten dort für die Gesamtorganisation von Mirapuri und ebenso als Multimedia-Künstler, Musiker, Filmschaffende, Schriftsteller und Lehrer in Mirapuri's Navaveda Free Progress Schule für Jugendliche aller Altersstufen. Entstanden aus dem Werk der großen Bewusstseinsforscher Sri Aurobindo und Mira Alfassa und gegründet von Michel Montecrossa, ist Mirapuri heute ein Zentrum des Freigeistes und der Ermutigung zu unbegrenzter Bewusstseinsentfaltung bis in die Zellen des Körpers und die Unendlichkeiten der Seele.
Michel Montecrossa und Mirakali greifen in 'Mirapuri und die Philosophie des Spirituellen Realismus' auf umfassende und tiefgründig lebensnahe Weise zentrale Fragen des Übergangs in ein Neues Bewusstsein auf. Dies Neue Bewusstsein befähigt uns, ein schöpfungsstarkes Leben der Liebe und Freiheit zu führen, das mit seiner Freude alle Bereiche der Materie erfüllen kann, eine Verwirklichung, für die Mirapuri erschaffen wurde.
"Wenn die Türe offen ist," schreibt Michel Montecrossa, "und wir Spirituelles wie Materielles gleichermaßen erleben, erforschen, kennen lernen, dann hören wir auch wieder die Sprache der Liebe. Wir fühlen, wie sie auf uns zukommt, wie in uns selbst das Bedürfnis wächst und beständig wird, in dieser Sprache zu sprechen. Es ist nicht nur eine gesprochene Sprache, sondern eine gelebte und erlebte Sprache. Aus unserem Selbst die Liebe zu leben und die Liebe zu erleben, ist die Ausdrucksweise des inneren Orakels. Man entdeckt einen Bewusstseinskompass, einen Wahrnehmungskompass, der uns befähigt, die besondere Atmosphäre der Liebe aufzuspüren und ihrem Aufleuchten folgen zu können… Wir als das seelische Wesen kennen die Liebe und können sie deshalb wollen. Es ist ein Weg, da wir nicht nur seelisches Wesen sind, sondern uns auch auf dem Weg nach Hause befinden. Am Anfang wissen wir weniger, aber im Laufe der Zeit wissen wir mehr, wie dieses Zuhause beschaffen ist, wo dieses Zuhause ist und wie wir an diesem Zuhause bauen können. Kurz gesagt, ist dies der Sinn von Mirapuri: Das Zuhause zu finden, zu verstehen, wie dieses Zuhause ist und dieses Zuhause bauen."
"Das Erwachen eines Neuen Bewusstseins verändert alles in uns und um uns,“ schreibt Mirakali, "wir verändern die Welt nicht, indem wir an den Umständen, der Umgebung oder den Menschen herumdrehen. Wir verändern die Welt, indem wir uns selbst und unser Bewusstsein verändern."
(636 pages with text and full color images, Paperback, English and German language)
606 Michel Montecrossa song lyrics including rare german chants, great Rock-Poetry-Images and Discography.
‘My music is Cyberrock as well as Cybersymphony. Futuristic Cyberrock and futuristic Cybersymphony. I do it with my band ‘The Chosen Few’ and my ‘Lightsound Orchestra’, 21st century style. Of course it also goes on into the 24th century. It’s cyberrock and metal fusion and it’s also power-dance and techno-dancedrive with a healthy dose of nu-romance and the wide ranges of cybersymphony. Anyway, it’s Cyberrock and Cybersymphony unified. You see, I come from a background of do it yourself ethics and together with my musicians I create something quite new. Well, it’s Cybermusic. The music and the lyrics go together and have this strong message of power, love, peace and happiness. In my music the hero is Bruce Lee and in my poetry and my songlyrics it’s Picasso. That means I do in my music what Bruce Lee was doin’ in martial art and I do in my lyrics what Picasso did in his paintings ... So better come to the show!’
(176 pages, Hardcover, German poems with pictures)
'Blüten im Morgentau' sind 85 zärtlich, futuristische Gedichte von Mirakali.
'Blüten im Morgentau' lassen den Leser auf intensive und bewegende Weise an den Lebenserfahrungen teilnehmen, die Mirakali in Mirapuri gesammelt hat.
'Blüten im Morgentau' sind durch ihre Schönheit und Wirklichkeitsnähe eine Bereicherung für jeden.
Mirakali lebt gemeinsam mit ihrem Lebensgefährten Michel Montecrossa in Mirapuri, der Stadt des Friedens und des Zukunftsmenschen in Europa, Italien. Sie arbeiten dort für die Gesamtorganisation von Mirapuri und ebenso als Multimedia-Künstler, Musiker, Filmschaffende, Schriftsteller und Lehrer in Mirapuri's Navaveda Free Progress Schule für Jugendliche aller Altersstufen. Entstanden aus dem Werk der großen Bewusstseinsforscher Sri Aurobindo und Mira Alfassa und gegründet von Michel Montecrossa, ist Mirapuri heute ein Zentrum des Freigeistes und der Ermutigung zu unbegrenzter Bewusstseinsentfaltung bis in die Zellen des Körpers und die Unendlichkeiten der Seele.
(86 pages, Paperback, German language)
Band Drei der Kinderbuchserie ‚Der kleine Stern‘ erzählt die Geschichte des kleinen Sterns und des Indianermädchens.
Es ist eine Geschichte über Freundschaft und Liebe, Vertrauen und Hoffnung.
(112 pages, Hardcover, English language)
'Tribals & Poems', published by Mirapuri-Verlag is a magic collection of fascinating Tribal-Designs and Poems created by Mirakali.
'Tribals & Poems' on 112 pages features 54 Tribal Images and 54 Poems leading to the shore of the mystic sea that reflects the soul’s mystery in a timeless moment.
Mirakali is a futuristic Cyberartist and Cybermusician not only full of power, but also rich with fire, passion and tender love.
Mirakali with 'Tribals & Poems' is presenting an outstanding art book that thrills the imagination, inspires and leads into unexpected levels of awareness.
Mirakali's Tribals make great tattoos, boost your bike and pancake, your handy, clothes, your jewelry and simply your feeling of life.
Mirakali’s Tribal Poems resound in your mind and heart with the lifegiving electricity of adventure of consciousness-expansion.
'Tribals & Poems' is Mirakali's great Cyberart and Poetry Fusion for the 21st Century.
(188 pages, Paperback, German and English poems)
‘CyberSamurai Poetry Vol. 1’ collects all poems, released by the CyberSamurai Poets from 2005 till 18th March 2007 on the CyberSamurai Poets Online Meeting and the CyberSamurai Poetry Site, adding some Goodies for the printed version and the biographies of the poets.
'CyberSamurai Poetry Vol. 1‘ enthält alle Gedichte, die von den CyberSamurai Dichtern seit 2005 bis zum 18. März 2007 auf dem CyberSamurai Poets Online Meeting und der CyberSamurai Poetry Seite veröffentlicht wurden, plus ein paar Goodies für die gedruckte Fassung und die Biographien der Poeten.
(24 pages, Picturebook for children, German language with full size black and white drawings for self-coloring)
Kinderanmalbuch mit kurzer Geschichte von Pony und Kitty's Abenteuern.
(48 pages, German picturebook for self-drawing)
'Neue Welt 1' ist eine Cartoon-Erzählung der Jung-Autorin Jolly July für Kids ab 8 Jahren.
'Neue Welt 1' lädt zum Mitdenken und Ausmalen ein und vermittelt durch kindgerechte Darstellung den Weg zur Lösung typischer Kidsprobleme im Finden von mächtiger Liebe und der Wahrheit im Herzen.
Jolly July sagt über ihr Buch: "'Neue Welt 1' ist die Geschichte der Entdeckung einer neuen Welt. Sie erzählt all die herrlichen Abenteuer, die man auf dem Weg erlebt und beschreibt die glücklichen Entdeckungen in der Neuen Welt."
Jolly July lebt in Mirapuri, der Stadt des Friedens und des Zukunftsmenschen in Europa, Italien.
Essays, Messages, Songlyrics and Picture Gallery
(156 pages with pictures, Paperback, English language)
Michel Montecrossa, the founder of Mirapuri – the City of Peace and Futureman in Europe, Italy is the author of 'Mirapuri And The New Consciousness' presenting with this book a strong outlook on Mirapuri and the Soul of Europe as well as Mirapuri's New Consciousness and New World approach to community life and a fascinating perspective for the future family life in the context of consciousness-expansion and a future oriented nonrestrictive outlook on education.
Michel Montecrossa in this context also presents the vision and the way of realization of the Sri Aurobindo University in Mirapuri as a Free Consciousness Research University.
The Future World cannot be understood through oldfashioned views. A new feeling of life based on a New Consciousness approach is shown as the entry door to a new way of experiencing family and ever expanding global understanding leading to the fulfillment of the Ideal of Human Unity.
Michel Montecrossa's essays in this book are based on lectures he gave during the Mirapuri World Peace Festivals that take place every year in Mirapuri where he also sings his songs together with his band. The concluding part of the book presents a collection of Michel Montecrossa songs from the Mirapuri World Peace Festival 2006 and a picture gallery from Mirapuri.
The life and becoming of Mirapuri already is a microcosmos making real the vision described by Michel Montecrossa of a Cosmic Family imbedded as a Free Family in the Ideal of Human Unity.
'MIRAPURI AND THE NEW CONSCIOUSNESS' is a boldly forward-looking book by Europe's most important Consciousness-Researcher and Spiritual Realist.
(211 pages with drawings, Paperback, English language)
Michel Montecrossa's "Tarana and the Island of Immortality" is a fantasy-action Novel presenting the Love Power Story of the coming together of Douglas Goldfield from the 19. Century with the futuristic Tarana from the future. They both meet on the mysterious island Kohana which turns out to be a multidimensional time-space gate.
In Tarana and the Island of Immortality Michel Montecrossa presents a fascinating and deeply felt fusion of erotic-realistic future vision with thrilling action dynamics turning round the passionate and tender relation of Tarana and Douglas Goldfield.
The intensity of their personality-contrasts and the fire of their love are the center of Michel Montecrossa's breathtaking Fantasy Novel Tarana and the Island of Immortality about the discovery and exploration of a new world dimension with undreamed of possibilities for future humanity.
With Tarana and the Island of Immortality Michel Montecrossa opens the door to the exciting and picturesque panorama of emotional peaks, dangers and unexpected clues accompanied by painful as well as ecstatic experiences.
The story directly touches the reader through the adventures of Tarana and Douglas Goldfield on the island Kohana - Adventures into a supernaturally transformed world where there are telepathic animals, time-lenses, the secret of Atlantis, holographic journeys and bodyexperiences coming from distant future.
Tarana and the Island of Immortality is Michel Montecrossa's ultramodern fantasy-action Novel bringing together love, struggle and futuristic vision in a masterfully designed story told in Michel Montecrossa's trendsetting and unique way of strong expressiveness and sensuality.
(100 pages, Paperback, English language)
‘Sunmessages’ is a collection of inspiring and uplifting messages, published by Mirapuri-Verlag and written by Michel Montecrossa.
‘Sunmessages’ is a collection of messages for every day from 1st January till 31st March written by Michel Montecrossa. For the days from 1st April till 31st December Mira Alfassa - The Mother has written a collection of daily messages which are published under the title ‘Mantras’. Both books together give every day throughout the year the opportunity to be in contact with an inspiring and consciousnessexpanding impulse.
(674 pages with text and full color images, Paperback, English and German language)
Michel Montecrossa 'Song Lyrics #1', published by Mirapuri-Verlag, features 1144 thrilling song lyrics from Michel Montecrossa's gorgeous treasure of stunning and limitless creativity. Including rare german and unreleased songs.
Michel Montecrossa: 'My song lyrics are cyberbeat-poetry makin' love with the good and the bad, the great and the small, the noble and the vulgar. They are surges from the ocean of consciousness through which I speed with the spaceship of my personality. They are near and far, within and without …'
Michel Montecrossa 'Song Lyrics #1' in addition to 1144 complete original song lyrics is presenting great picture events and the comprehensive discography of the 223 Audio-CDs, CD-Plus and 10 Movie-DVDs on which the songs are released.
(Multimedia-Box, English language 734 pages with text and full color images, CDs and DVDs)
'Alien Visits' released by Filmaur Multimedia, Mira Sound Germany and Mirapuri-Verlag is the authorized multimedia biography of cyberrocker Michel Montecrossa life, work & vision on 12 text & image cyberart books and 1 bonus booklet with a total of 734 pages, 4 Movie-DVDs with more than 10 thrilling hours of Free Cinema, 1 interactive CD-Plus with groovy songs, movies, text and picture events, 1 Super Audio-DVD with 13 hours of great Michel Montecrossa music.
21st century's outstanding cyberbeatpoet, cyberrocker, moviemaker, digital artist and philosopher presents 'Alien Visits', his long awaited authorized multimedia biography presenting his exciting cyberrocker life, work and vision in his own words, songs, movies and image-art.
'Alien Visits' is Michel Montecrossa's mind-blowin' genius-way of presenting his biography in an unprecedented multidimensional way as magic multimedia box with 12 cyberart text & picture books, 4 stunning movie DVDs, 1 interactive CD-Plus, 1 power Audio-DVD and 1 bonus booklet.
"Alien Visits", says Michel Montecrossa, "is not limited to linear reading but open to intuitive reading, listening, seeing. My life is not on the surface. It is not one-dimensional. It is interactive and expresses itself always new and different in reaction to every given moment. The intuitive quality therefore is essential for understanding and entering into my life-stream. Alien Visits is a magic multimedia box. Open it and dive into cyberrock-experience-world. Freely choose any of the artbooks, read the line that attracts your attention, experience the art, listen to songs or enter into the energy of the movies. Let the uniqueness of that very moment speak and you will experience my biography as much as you experience yourself. Every time you do this you will always find a new dimension, a new door opening before your inner and outer eyes. My biography ultimately happens in the ever progressing now, it is living in the truth and walking on the mirror."
(426 pages with pictures, Paperback, English language, 1 DVD and 1 Audio-CD)
MIRAPURI, the City of Peace and Future Man in Europe, Italy, and its first satellite Miravillage in South Germany are based on the work of Sri Aurobindo and Mira Alfassa - The Mother and their Ideals of Peace, Love, Progress, Human Unity and Transformation.
Mirapuri and Miravillage were founded on 15th August 1978 by the musician, cyberartist and futurist Michel Montecrossa on behalf of The Mother.
This Book is the essential introduction into the aim and becoming of Mirapuri and Miravillage and their foundation in the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.
The Integral Yoga is a futuristic outlook on man's possibilities of not only finding his Soul and Spiritual-Cosmic Consciousness but also of achieving a healing of the artificial separation of Spirit and Matter in his mental understanding, and realising instead the union of both in One Reality which is Supramental and able to bring Peace, Love, Progress, Human Unity and the transformation into Future Man to earth.
Mirapuri, the City of Peace and Future Man, and Miravillage, its first satellite are the active expression of this New Consciousness of Transformation and Human Unity. The book gives a comprehensive overview of Mirapuri, Miravillage as well as the biography and the major works of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother with text, pictures, 1 DVD and 1 Audio-CD. The DVD presents a comprehensive documentary-movie on Mirapuri and Miravillage, and the Audio-CD the fascinating Meditationmusic by Michel Montecrossa titled: 'The World Is Preparing For A Big Change - Will You Help?'
(426 pagine con immagine, Paperback, lingua italiana)
MIRAPURI, la Città della Pace e dell'Uomo Futuro in Europa, Italia, e Miravillage, il suo primo satellite nella Germania meridionale sono basati sull'opera di Sri Aurobindo e di Mira Alfassa – La Madre e sui loro Ideali di Pace, Amore, Progresso, Unione Umana e Trasformazione.
Mirapuri e Miravillage sono state fondate il 15 agosto 1978 dal musicista, artista cyber e futurista Michel Montecrossa su commissione della Madre.
Questo libro è l'introduzione essenziale allo scopo e alla realizzazione di Mirapuri e Miravillage e al loro fondamento sullo Yoga Integrale di Sri Aurobindo e della Madre. Lo Yoga Integrale è una visione futurista delle possibilità che ha l'uomo non solo di scoprire la propria Anima e la propria Coscienza Cosmico-spirituale, ma anche di risanare la separazione artificiale tra Spirito e Materia nella sua comprensione mentale, realizzando invece l'unione di entrambe nell'Unica Realtà che è quella Supramentale e portando così Pace, Amore, Progresso, Unione Umana e la Trasformazione nell'Uomo Futuro sulla terra.
Mirapuri, la Città della Pace e dell'Uomo Futuro in Europa, Italia, e Miravillage, il suo primo satellite sono l'espressione attiva di questa nuova Coscienza di Trasformazione e di Unione Umana. Il libro fornisce una visione completa di Mirapuri e di Miravillage, così come la biografia e le opere principali di Sri Aurobindo e della Madre con testi, fotografie, un DVD ed un Audio-CD. Il DVD presenta un filmato documentario su Mirapuri e Miravillage, e il CD-Audio l'affascinante Musica di meditazione di Michel Montecrossa dal titolo "The World Is Preparing For A Big Change – Will You Help?" (Il mondo si prepara ad un gran cambiamento – Vuoi aiutare?)
(Philosophy of Spiritual Realism. 442 pages with pictures, Paperback, English language, 1 Audio-CD and 1 DVD)
'The Sunrevolution', published by Mirapuri-Verlag, is Michel Montecrossa's fascinating masterwork of consciousness research, presenting the Philosophy of Spiritual Realism as the next step in the revelation of the mystery of human evolution and its mindshaking possibilities.
'The Sunrevolution' is Michel Montecrossa's breathtakingly futuristic 21st century message of radically expanding the human potential for building a better tomorrow.
'The Sunrevolution' gives a brilliant survey of the impact of the Philosophy of Spiritual Realism which not only bursts the bounds of ordinary philosophies of the past, opening up unheard of dimensions of positive experience, but furthermore unites in its creative vision effective spirituality with the power of a new psychology of transformation, consequently leading to new and convincing ways of dealing with matter and shaping our lives.
'The Sunrevolution' is Michel Montecrossa's luminously clear, souvereignly intelligent and deeply touching exposition of humanity's way into the future.
'The Sunrevolution' and its Philosophy of Spiritual Realism is the far-reaching and bold embrace by a passionately modern thinker of the deepest mysteries of life, giving stunning and satisfying answers to the burning questions of today and tomorrow, free from the dust and the burden of a dead past.
'The Sunrevolution' presents Michel Montecrossa as ranking among the leading thinkers and authors of today, giving to philosophy a totally new outlook and importance, which is no longer past-oriented and ineffective but boldly future-oriented and effective by showing the new perspectives of spiritual realism the 21st century needs.
(124 pages with pictures, Paperback, English language)
'Mirapuri and the World of Love' is a collection of essays, poems and song lyrics Mirakali has written for various festivals in Mirapuri – the City of Peace andFutureman in Europe, Italy: the Mirapuri World Peace Festival, the Spirit of Woodstock Festival and the Mirapuri World Literature Fest.
In many ways Mirakali is showing us in her writings the young and joyful way into the future, the bright light of consciousness-awakening, the profundity of soul-finding and the warmth and tenderness of love.
And she shows too the fascinating experiences that lead to new body awareness and ultimately to body transformation in the light of a New Consciousness.
Mirakali's world is the world of Mirapuri and all that leads to strong, creative peace and unity of the world family with all its abundance in the Divine.
Mirakali's 'Mirapuri and the World of Love' is inspiring, uplifting, consciousness-expanding and encouraging New World literature opening new perspectives and bringing them near to our understanding and feeling.
It is a colorful and happy treasure of love and humanity.
(72 pages, Paperback, German language)
"Der kleine Stern - Die Schatzsuche" ist der zweite Band aus Mirakali's Bilderbuchserie "Der kleine Stern" für alle Kinder dieser Welt.
(64 pages, Paperback, English language)
The little Star is a sweet book for children
with the beautiful message of friendship and
'The Little Star', published by Mirapuri-Verlag, is a sweet children book created by Mirakali with many pictures communicating the beautiful message of friendship and understanding in addition to being a great song writer and musician - artist Mirakali is working for Navaveda the free progress Mirapuri-School for children of all ages.
'The little Star' grew out of Mirakali's being together with the children of Mirapuri and her caring heart and understanding of their world.
(64 pages, Paperback, Italian language)
La piccola stella é un libro illustrato di Mirakali per bambini piccoli e grandi sul meraviglioso messagio dell'amicizia.
'La piccola stella', published by Mirapuri-Verlag, is a sweet children book created by Mirakali with many pictures communicating the beautiful message of friendship and understanding in addition to being a great song writer and musician - artist Mirakali is working for Navaveda the free progress Mirapuri-School for children of all ages.
'La piccola stella (The little Star)' grew out of Mirakali's being together with the children of Mirapuri and her caring heart and understanding of their world.
(64 pages, Paperback, German language)
Der kleine Stern ist ein Bilderbuch von Mirakali für kleine und grosse Kinder über die wunderbare Botschaft der Freundschaft.
Es erzählt in vielen gemalten Bildern die Geschichte des kleinen Sternes und seiner Freunde.
Mirakali ist nicht nur eine grossartige Songschreiberin und Musikerin, sondern arbeitet in Mirapuri - der Stadt des Friedens und des Zukunftsmenschen in Europa, Italien, gemeinsam mit den Kindern bei Navaveda, der Mirapuri Schule für Kinder aller Altersstufen.
'Der kleine Stern' entstand durch das Zusammensein mit den Mirapuri-Kindern und durch Mirakali's liebevolles Verstehen ihrer Welt.
(248 pages, Paperback, English language, 1 Audio-CD)
The Cyberecstasy Poetry is a collection of Mirakali's song lyrics. They are a journey of love and awareness with the breath of freedom that chants of love and life.
The Cyberecstasy Artbook presents the lyrics of all 18 songs and is, together with Mirakali's great image art and the Audio-CD, a cyberrock experience that makes your day.
(228 pages, Paperback, English language)
"Treasure of Norse Mythology Volume I" is the first part of a book series about norse myths. These books are representing an encyclopedia with a vast collection of mythological beings of nordic tales and a detailed description of them. They're based on various translations of the eddic poems and other norse sagas. The "Treasure of Norse Mythology" books belong to the internet project "CyberSamurai Encyclopedia of Norse Mythology".
(72 pages, Paperback)
Cyberart Vol. 1&2 by Diana Antara is a collection of her sensual-fantasy-cyberpaintings visualizing her virtual world moving through the action worlds of mythology and futuristic space age.
(26 pages, Picturebook for children, German language with full size black and white drawings for self-coloring)
'Pony & Kitty's Abenteuer' von Diana Antara ist ein liebes deutschsprachiges Geschichten- und Bilderbuch für Kinder mit schwarz-weiss Bildern zum anmalen.
(Sci-Fi Action Adventure Story. 160 pages each with paintings, Paperback, German language)
'Tayon' written by Mirachandra and Diana Antara in german language in two parts presents the thrilling adventure story about a group of heroic women fighting for freedom and truth.
(35 pages, Paperback extended edition, German and English language)
'Herz & Aufruhr Gedichte' are revolutionary poems by Mirachandra and Diana Antara in german and english language. Refreshing and creatively powerful they bring poetic soulfulness into the day to day life of modern boredom and cruelty.
(240 pages, Paperback, German language)
Dieses Buch erzählt die Geschichte von Tara, die bei Mira Alfassa – Die Mutter aufgewachsen ist. Es ist eine Geschichte des Bewusstseinswachstums und der seelischen Entfaltung. Tara erzählt sie durch biografische Notizen und eine Vielzahl von Botschaften und Erläuterungen, die sie von Der Mutter erhalten hat.
"Schwinge dich immer höher empor, immer weiter, ohne Furcht und Zögern: Die Hoffnungen von heute sind die Verwirklichungen von morgen."
Die Mutter