'War Is Hell'

Michel Montecrossa's Anti-War Maxi-Single

War Is Hell

Michel Montecrossa's anti-war CD 'War Is Hell' is released by Mira Sound Germany as Maxi Single featuring three profound and touching songs: 'War Is Hell' and 'The Earth Is Weeping' by Michel Montecrossa and 'Cross The Green Mountain' by Bob Dylan (from the movie 'Gods and Generals').

Michel Montecrossa sings in his songs 'War Is Hell' and 'The Earth Is Weeping':

War is hell, wherever it starts. / It turns into a bullet once it burns in your heart. / Armies are marching, shakin' the ground. / But it's in your mind where love first is turned down. / War is hell, 'bout that there's no doubt. / It harms and destroys the Worldsoul's house, / takes up all your lies to make you foolish and loud. / And it's in your mind where love first is blown out. / War is hell, whatever you might say. / It starts with a quarrel, leads you astray. / It's in every moment if you aren't awake. / And it's up to you to let love go all the way. / There are a million reasons, but the Truth is one. / Compassion and trust are stronger than arms. / The loving embrace is what everybody wants. / And it's only together that we can reach the Dawn. / War is hell, wherever it starts. / It turns into a bullet once it burns in your heart. / Armies are marching, shakin' the ground. / But it's in your mind where love first is turned down.
(Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany)

Every live is precious, is a moment of God. / Every life is sacred, is there to be loved. / Every life is given for the birth of love. / The Earth is weeping when love is betrayed. / The Earth is weeping when man turns to hate. / The Earth is weeping and you feel it in your breast. / Every life is precious, is a moment of Bliss. / Every life is sacred, it's in every kiss. / Every life is given for peace and happiness. / The Earth is weeping when you cannot forgive. / The Earth is weeping when you do not want peace. / The Earth is weeping when you aren't free. / Every life is precious, is every moment with you. / Every life is sacred, is given for sweet love. / Every life is given for the end of war. / The Earth is weeping when man wants to kill. / The Earth is weeping when the light gets dim. / The Earth is weeping tears of lost Dreams. / Every life is precious, is a moment of Light. / Every life is sacred, is the smiling Child. / Every life is given to be at Your side. / The Earth is weeping tears of paradise. / The Earth is weeping with tender eyes. / The Earth is weeping until you make Her smile.
(Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany)

The Songs: 'War Is Hell', 'The Earth Is Weeping', 'Cross The Green Mountains'

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