

A series of essays Sri Aurobindo has written between 1914 an 1920 for his review ARYA on the greek mystic and philosopher Heraclitus.

HERACLITUS, English edition

362 p., 36,- DM


1 volume, 104 p., 24,- DM

The Work of Mira Alfassa / The Work of Sri Aurobindo / Collections from the Work of Sri Aurobindo and Mira Alfassa / Books on Sri Aurobindo and Mira Alfassa / Mirapuri-Books by Michel Montecrossa / Rock Art Books and Comics by Michel Montecrossa / Books by other authors / FOR THE FUTURE / Multimedia (CD-Plus, Video-CD, Video)

Mirapuri Verlag / Contents

Welcome / Mirapuri-Enterprises / Sri Aurobindo and Mira Alfassa / Integral Yoga / The Dream / Michel Montecrossa / Mirapuri / Miravinci / Mirapuri Information / M.I.R.A. / Navaveda / Mirasiddhi / Mirapuri-Casa / Omnidiet / Riva del Tempo / Mirapuri-Alimentari / Mirapuri Guest House / New Ranch and Adventure Camping / Mirapuri Apartments / Friends of Mirapuri / Miravillage / Filmaur / Mirapuri-Verlag / Mira Sound / Miraprint / Mirayantra / New Age Seminars and Information Days / Spirit of Woodstock Festival at Mirapuri / Mirapuri Planet Radio and T.V. for the Internet