(La Synthèse des Yoga)

(Die Synthese des Yoga)

In excellent train of thought and language Sri Aurobindo presents the presuppositions for this synthesis and in wide movements of consciousness discloses the Yoga of Divine Works, the Yoga of Integral Knowledge, the Yoga of Divine Love and the Yoga of Self-Perfection.

In meisterhafter Gedankenführung und Sprache stellt Sri Aurobindo die Voraussetzungen für die Sythese dar und erschließt uns dann in weiten Bewußtseinsbewegungen den Yoga der Göttlichen Werke, den Yoga des Integralen Wissens, den Yoga Göttlicher Liebe und den Yoga der Selbstvervollkommnung.

THE SYNTHESIS OF YOGA, English edition

889 p., 55,- DM

THE SYNTHESIS OF YOGA, English edition

pocket size, 900 p., 40,- DM

LA SYNTHÈSE DES YOGA, French edition

translated by Mira Alfassa, 3 volumes, 1434 p., 125,- DM


965 p., 89,- DM

(not for resale / nicht für Wiederverkäufer)

The Work of Mira Alfassa / The Work of Sri Aurobindo / Collections from the Work of Sri Aurobindo and Mira Alfassa / Books on Sri Aurobindo and Mira Alfassa / Mirapuri-Books by Michel Montecrossa / Rock Art Books and Comics by Michel Montecrossa / Books by other authors / FOR THE FUTURE / Multimedia (CD-Plus, Video-CD, Video)

Mirapuri Verlag / Contents

Welcome / Mirapuri-Enterprises / Sri Aurobindo and Mira Alfassa / Integral Yoga / The Dream / Michel Montecrossa / Mirapuri / Miravinci / Mirapuri Information / M.I.R.A. / Navaveda / Mirasiddhi / Mirapuri-Casa / Omnidiet / Riva del Tempo / Mirapuri-Alimentari / Mirapuri Guest House / New Ranch and Adventure Camping / Mirapuri Apartments / Friends of Mirapuri / Miravillage / Filmaur / Mirapuri-Verlag / Mira Sound / Miraprint / Mirayantra / New Age Seminars and Information Days / Spirit of Woodstock Festival at Mirapuri / Mirapuri Planet Radio and T.V. for the Internet